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Tips for Bloggers to Write Quality Content

The article contains some amazing tips and 5 steps on how you can improve your blog writing. It includes all aspects of writing like SEO, keyword research, content material, etc.



Content writing is emerging out as the beast of boosting of social presence and convincing power of the online sellers and service providers. As it is said, “Content is the King” and rightly so, due to the fact that content is the core of increasing brand awareness, and it is what your whole marketing revolves around.
You can either choose to fill up your proposal through cheap content or make some efforts to write a quality piece of paper that will not boost your site ranking but will help to get more leads than ever before. Businesses are more interested in digital marketing of their products and services, and quality content is all they need to enhance their marketing.

Tips Prior to Writing

Before you start a blog, you must have a lot of information on how he/she is going to put down the content.

Monitor Social Media

Although it is right that you should stay away from your competitors in terms of content quality and execution, you cannot leave the niche in which you are supposed to be writing. The area of interest should not change just to avoid the repetition or similarity to the topic that other writers are writing on.
Social media blogs are searched through search engine queries, and these queries have the same types of keywords associated, so it is better to first identify what your targeted topics must be even though they are similar to the ones that are already present on the web. After the content is published, your duty is not finished but has only reached a benchmark. Monitor how people are responding to your content and where it is missing out something.

Get to Know Your Customers

A content having all the essential qualities and ingredients is of no use if presented to the wrong audience. A person looking to buy a car does not really care about what services a digital marketing company is providing them. Same goes for the content. Customer-identification and catering right information to the people actually seeking your content is the perfect way to turn web-scrollers into potential customers with long term relationships.

Check out Your Competitors

There is no better strategy in digital marketing than to learn from the competitors. Competitors are somehow an asset for you to predict how your content will perform in front of the customers by reviewing how is the same content of competitors is faring in the market. Study well the tactics and writing flow of other bloggers to mark out what qualities are giving them an edge over others.

Do Keyword Research

Keyword research comes before writing anything. It is the stage that gives bloggers an idea of what they are going to write on and how they should align their writing with the topic. There are hundreds of tools available online for keyword research, and you can opt for any of the popular ones to find out what people are searching for and which keywords you can target in your content to pitch your product or service to the customers.

Step by Step Guide to Write Quality Content

Now comes the writing phase, which surely is the execution of what you have researched and the information you have gathered on the topic.

Create a Brilliant Title

The content is as good as its title. Without a catchy title, your content stands very fewer chances of even being clicked on. The problem worsens when it appears below in the search results. Although the title should actually be the reflection of the content, it now represents the quality of the blogger himself/herself. If a content writer can convince the reader to click on the title, he/she has half work done, or even more.
Some statistics make it even clearer why the title plays a mighty role in the engagement of the public to the content. According to CopyBlogger, around 80 percent of people see the headline, but only 20 percent actually click on the title. This stat alone reflects how title is the gateway to the interaction of people with the body content.

Write Short and Pointed Content

Simple and tuned-in content offers a lot as compared to the complicated and information-stuffed article. When you are to keep the reader follow along, you would not like to make him/her think like they are reading some sort of book or academic paper. Keep your sentences short and present one idea at a time so that the reader can understand your story.
When a person is engaging with something that is informative as well as worthy of sharing, they become your affiliates who will spread your content without even realizing your intent. This is when you get to a large market with people who are trusted in their circle as your marketing affiliates without paying a single penny.

Keep It Clean & Organized

Now, when the user has finally opted to click and jump to your content, the first thing he./she will read is the introduction and opening headings. This is the same area when you have to show your alignment and formatting skills and make your content look like a professionally written piece.
Even if your content has a lot of relevant information embedded into it, the reader won’t understand anything if the information is not distributed into a proper setting. Body content convinces the reader that he;/she was right to jump onto your content and sticks him/her with the page. If your body content fails to deliver what your title suggested to the person, the chances are he/she will leave it without going further down the page.

Communicate Better by Adding Images and Video

The web is all about images, videos, and graphics these days. It always has been. The reason why people who ignore books can scroll web pages all day is the interactivity of media that goes with the content. A wordy content without graphics does not get praise from the readers even if it is of great quality because readers become overwhelmed by the excessive content without getting to see something that can entertain them midway.
Moreover, it is believed that visuals are more effective in imparting the message than the words. It is considered a good practice to provide statistics in the content to make the information reliable, which must be supplemented with the proper references and citations. For that purpose, you can use different citation and referencing tools like Accurate Cite.

SEO-Optimize Your Content

In the end, comes the Search Engine Optimization. However, you would have taken this into account even before writing the content because SEO defines why you should write and how the content should go on. During writing, keyword spacing, use of keywords, and its synonyms several times to focus on the importance of that word in the content make sure that the search engine will rank your content with respect to the searches.


No one can tell how will the content fare in the market and how many clicks it will get, but if your abide by the writing techniques and constantly produce a quality-written content with all ingredients of SEO embedded in it and having enough information to lure the readers on its readability, the chances are you will get the job done.

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