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Stepan Talabira: The Rise of an Advertising Star



Hello Stepan, welcome. Let’s start with a bit of your backstory.

I was born on January 1, 1987. I’m a Specialist in Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, graduated at Uzhgorod National University, Ukraine, in 2008.

After university, I founded a website development company. After a while, company switched to Mobile application development.
After great success in development, I changed my focus to advertising and marketing. My area of interest was the close relationship between advertising marketing and mathematics.
In 2017, I created a Premiumads marketing agency. The goal of his marketing agency is to take clients from Small Business to the Next Level.
Most of all I like to travel together with my wife and son.

Whats your biggest lesson learned ?

Turn a Negative Into a Positive. Try to accumulate experience and learn everything possible in different areas. Force yourself to do what you are most afraid to do.


What’s your biggest success ?

I’m proud to have built a great team and work in a business that I love.
Our clients come to us by recommendation from our old clients. I definitely think this is the best result you can expect

Future goals and ventures ?

Open more offices and engage with more clients.
Develop marketing strategies and performance analysis using artificial intelligence.

When did you start in this business ?

2006 -Web development
2009 – Mobile App development
2010 – Advertising and marketing


Describe any unique characteristics or attributes of your company.

Finding Innovative solutions to any challenges. This rule helps me and my company to achieve new successes.

Any tip/advice for young entrepreneur or anybody who wants to emerge in your industry ?

You have to fail, and you have to fail often. You have to learn all there is from each failure. It’s that simple.

How do you see yourself in 10 years?


I understand that life is more complicated and varied than we can currently assume, but I will make every effort to grow and get new successes in different industries.

What keeps you motivated everyday?

Try not to live in the past.

It doesn’t matter what yesterday was, what the past was like. The main thing is that each new day gives you the opportunity for new successes.

What is your routine ? What you do in the morning and what are your core habits?


I’m always changing my schedule to see what works best for me. I especially like to optimize time. I love good coffee in the morning. Especially Colombian Arabica. I’ve tasted hundreds of different kinds of beans from all over the world. Maybe you could even call it a hobby.

What would you tell your 10 years old self right now?

Don’t waste your time. Don’t be afraid of change. Try everything and learn from the failures. Don’t waste your energy and time trying to change anyone. Don’t expect anything from people, they don’t owe you anything even if you did them good.

What are the main factors that led you to where you are right now ?

Ability to effectively manage finances and business processes.


I also think that I am grateful to my parents and my close friends. Who brought me up the way I am.

Who is your role model or example/inspiration in your life ?

Steve Jobs, by far.

What are your passions in your free time ?

Home automation, Geeky Gadgets, AI ( artificial intelligence )


I collect old smartphones I used when I was young. Since my first smartphone Nokia 3650 broke a long time ago, I bought a rarity new one at an auction a few years ago. I turn it on sometimes to remember how I wrote the code on this phone

What are the top 3 core values in life ?

Family, Health, Life’s Happiness

What is the funniest anecdote ever happened to you ?

Many years ago I bet with a friend that I could make a mobile app that would get 1 million installs in one month. Yeah, I lose.. The funny thing is that this app got 10 million installs later and this case has become a main success in my portfolio.


What was the happiest day of your life ?

My children’s birthday.

We want to thank Stepan Talabira and appreciate his time with us.

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