College Life 101: How to Survive the Storm
A few tips for surviving the ups and downs of college life.

Many students arrive at college without a full understanding of what’s expected of them. They either get overwhelmed with their responsibilities, or they end up overindulging in their newly discovered freedom. Either method can lead to disaster if you’re not careful. The following guide can help you live a full and happy life while you’re away from home and going to school.
Keep a Clean Home
Whether you choose to live in a dorm or apartment housing, there are options for you. Wherever your area is, just search up for the best housing options available. For example, if you were a student in Canada, you could search for student housing in Waterloo to find just what you need. It’s also important to keep in mind that your parents aren’t around. This means you’ll be responsible for washing your own dishes, doing your own laundry, and buying your own groceries. While this seems like an obvious point to make, many freshmen students let their household chores get away from them. Research has found that physical untidiness leads to emotional health issues, such as depression and a loss of motivation. You’ll also find that your roommate will be upset with you if you’re consistently leaving messes and clutter lying around. To avoid that downward spiral, you should create a system for keeping your living space clean.
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
It will also be up to you to take good care of your health. You won’t have a gym teacher or parent compelling you to exercise or eat right, so these are concerns you will have to address on your own. When you go shopping, avoid buying processed foods, sugary snacks, and soda. Instead, you should plan to drink more water and eat a diet that consists primarily of plant-based foods. You should also set aside a minimum of 30 minutes each day for moderate to high-intensity exercise. This doesn’t always have to involve going to the gym, although you should do some resistance training a few days per week. On other days, you can participate in team sports, go running or cycling, or go for a swim. Variety in your physical activity will benefit your mind and body.
Avoid Binge Drinking
Many students still struggle with binge drinking, and this habit can lead to many different types of tragic events. It can get you into legal trouble, leave you injured in a car accident, or lead to compromised health. This doesn’t mean you can’t drink any alcoholic beverages, but you should only drink in moderation. If you’re feeling stressed by your workload and other responsibilities, look for healthier ways of alleviating stress. Try going for walks or take up meditation. Many people find it relaxing to take a nightly bath or read a good book. The hobby you choose should be something that relaxes you and won’t compromise your health and safety.
Don’t Neglect Your Studies
Adjusting to college life also involves knowing when it’s time to study and when you’re free to enjoy your life. While it may be tempting to skip the occasional class, doing so can put you behind in your studies. Unlike high school, your instructors won’t take the time to help you catch up with the rest of the class. They will expect you to be prepared when you return. Additionally, you should be spending time studying every night to help you learn the material even when you don’t have homework. As a general rule, you should spend two hours studying outside of class for every credit hour. If your class schedule is equivalent to 15 credit hours, you should be studying 30 hours per week.
Get Involved in the Campus Community
While studying is important, you should be engaging in social activities on campus as well. Joining clubs, sports, and other extracurricular activities will provide you with a more enriching college experience. It will also help you meet other students who share your interests. If you’re not very good at meeting others, joining a club or team can help you socialize with other students. It can also give you some interesting things to add to your resume when you’re ready to start looking for a job.
While going to college is intended to prepare you for your career, it’s also a time to learn about living as an independent adult. You will make mistakes, and you will have to face the repercussions. As you build an independent life for yourself, you’ll learn how to take better care of yourself as you learn how to pursue the career you want.
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