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Embracing Holistic Methods for Balance to Navigate Hormonal Health



Managing hormonal health can be a challenging journey for many women. From the natural fluctuations experienced during a menstrual cycle to the more significant changes that come with perimenopause and menopause, understanding what your body needs is often a complex task. However, many women are finding that they don’t need to rely solely on medication or expensive treatments to achieve hormonal balance. Instead, embracing holistic methods can offer a more accessible, affordable, and empowering approach to managing symptoms and overall well-being.

The Power of Holistic Methods

Holistic approaches to health focus on treating the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—rather than just addressing symptoms. For women dealing with hormonal fluctuations, this means integrating various natural strategies that can be practiced at home. According to Amy Beckley, CEO of Proov, a company specializing in at-home fertility and perimenopause testing, “The reason holistic methods are so important to practice is because you can do them on your own. Whether that’s going on a diet, incorporating more exercise into your day, trying herbal supplements, or even therapy. They are usually lower-cost remedies to help you feel better, and you can do them whenever it’s accessible to you.”

Indeed, many women are already taking charge of their hormone health through these key holistic practices. A recent survey shows that lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, are the most popular, with 34% of women opting for these adjustments. Following closely, 23% turn to herbal supplements, and 20% prefer natural remedies and supplements. Other methods include non-hormonal medications (10%), hormone replacement therapy (7%), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) (5%), acupuncture (4%), and vaginal estrogen therapy (4%).

Lifestyle Changes: The Foundation of Hormonal Health


Diet and exercise are often the first steps women take when addressing hormonal health, and for good reason. A balanced diet rich in whole foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables can significantly impact hormone levels. Regular physical activity, whether it’s yoga, strength training, or a daily walk, also plays a crucial role in maintaining hormonal balance by reducing stress and promoting overall health.

“A lot of times, women do not understand just how these simple changes can truly impact their hormones and their health as a whole,” explains Beckley. “Your hormones affect a lot of the things going on in your body, and these methods are super easy ways to get things back in check. Instead of more extreme methods like prescribed medication or surgery, you can take smaller steps towards your health. These types of lifestyle changes can help you manage symptoms and prevent things from getting worse in the future.”

Herbal Supplements and Natural Remedies: Supporting Hormonal Balance

Beyond lifestyle changes, many women are turning to herbal supplements and natural remedies to help manage hormonal symptoms. Supplements like chasteberry, evening primrose oil, and black cohosh have been traditionally used to alleviate symptoms such as mood swings, hot flashes, and menstrual irregularities. While scientific evidence on the effectiveness of these supplements varies, many women report positive results.

Natural remedies also include stress management techniques like mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga, which can help reduce the stress that often exacerbates hormonal imbalances. By incorporating these practices into daily routines, women can create a more balanced internal environment that supports overall health.


Exploring Alternative Therapies

For those seeking additional support, therapies such as acupuncture, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and vaginal estrogen therapy can offer targeted relief for specific symptoms. Acupuncture, an ancient practice rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, is believed to help regulate the flow of energy in the body and has been used to treat various hormonal issues. CBT, a type of talk therapy, can help women manage the emotional aspects of hormonal changes by addressing negative thought patterns and behaviors.

Empowering Women with Knowledge and Tools

Understanding your body and its unique needs is crucial in managing hormonal health effectively. Proov is committed to empowering women by providing tools that help them better understand their bodies. With at-home fertility and perimenopause testing, Proov offers women the ability to track hormone levels and gain insights into their health from the comfort of their own homes.

Navigating hormonal health doesn’t have to be overwhelming or expensive. By embracing holistic methods and listening to their bodies, women can take control of their health journey in a way that feels right for them. Whether through diet, exercise, natural supplements, or alternative therapies, there are many paths to finding balance and feeling like yourself again.

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