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Assisted Living Myths Nobody Should Believe



When considering assisted living for an aging loved one, be sure to do your research thoroughly. Learn the costs involved such as entrance fees and monthly rent; what level of care they offer as well as their transfer and discharge policies.

Ask about personalization options such as whether residents can hang family pictures and what types of activities are offered. Here are some common myths about assisted living facilities:

My loved one will be lonely

If your loved one frequently experiences feelings of loneliness, help them make the link between their loneliness and lack of social engagement and lack of friends as an indicator. Listen to what they have to say; encourage sharing of opinions and stories from them; then work together on creating an actionable plan.

Assisted living communities have come a long way since their original inception, and their costs may surprise you. Staying at home often costs more when factoring in mortgage payments, taxes, maintenance costs and modifications necessary to adapt it to senior mobility as well as hiring caregiving services.

As you tour communities, make sure to discuss ways your loved one can make their new space their own by hanging up photos or collectibles that make the space theirs. Engaging them in physical activities is another great way to combat loneliness while getting them outside the house and engaging their brain.


My loved one will lose independence

Loss of independence is never easy to deal with, so if your loved one is experiencing difficulty performing daily tasks such as bathing, getting up from bed and cooking for themselves it may be wise to discuss assisted living as an option.

Assisted living communities strive to preserve residents’ sense of independence by offering maintenance-free apartments. Furthermore, transportation can be provided so you don’t have to worry about car repairs; so let your loved one focus more on living their life!

Seniors often associate assisted living with nursing homes, which may deter them from making the move. It’s essential that seniors understand that assisted living is not just another nursing home option; it offers safe and cost-effective support that allows for independence while offering assistance when necessary. A conversation should take place to identify specific needs and concerns before taking the leap.

My loved one will be expensive

Though no one likes considering finances as part of their decision-making, it is crucial that individuals fully consider the true cost of staying home or moving into assisted living. A good assisted living community offers various pricing options to fit various budgets; long-term care insurance may help offset costs as well.

Instead of presuming your loved one must spend their final years in an uninspiring retirement community, schedule tours and meet their neighbors. Most communities welcome visitors and strive to keep things enjoyable for your loved one by hosting family gatherings or offering fun activities that keep their space engaging and exciting.


Meal preparation, home maintenance and yard care will no longer be a burden, resulting in substantial savings when compared with costs related to making homes safer and accessible at home – such as widening doorways, installing ramps or hiring caregivers.

My loved one will be bored

Seniors often seek assisted living communities because they provide them with both independent time and lively social activities, all coordinated by an activity coordinator. Residents can participate in whatever interests them without feeling compelled to attend mandatory events.

Family caregivers should make it a point to encourage their elderly loved ones to explore new interests. Boredom can cause depression and decrease life expectancy. Consider helping your senior loved one solve crossword puzzles, start storytelling circles or learn a foreign language!

As Baby Boomers approach retirement age, industry is quickly adapting to meet their housing needs by providing various housing solutions. Don’t be put off by misconceptions surrounding assisted living; this amazing option may actually be more cost-effective than staying at home while providing better quality of life for your elderly loved one. Find a senior living community near you to discover lifestyle opportunities your loved one could enjoy while receiving assistance with daily tasks.


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