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Allergy Tips and Treatment from Doctors



Allergies can be mild and a bit serious. The mild cases do not require any treatment but occasional use of over-the-counter medication. However, whether it’s mild or serious allergies, wheezing, chest tightness, sneezing, itcy, runny or blocked nose, overswallon lips, eyes, and nose, or fever, disrupt our day to day activities. 

Taking medication whenever the signs appear seems to be the solution in the beginning. However, when it starts happening every other day we begin searching for other options. If you are done feeling sick and taking medication every other day, here are a few tips and doctor’s prescribed treatment;

  • Shower every time you come home
  • Keep the mask up
  • Stay hydrated, and start eating healthy
  • If steam is not helping with breathing, go to the doctor as soon as possible
  • Avoid touching your face when you are exposed to allergens
  • Avoiding allergens is the only ultimate treatment, says the doctors

Shower every time you come home

If pollen, pollution, animal dander, dust mites or any other things make you sick, you have to come home and take a shower immediately. It is because wherever you go outside you bring some part of the world with you so it’s better to wash up. To prevent an allergic reaction, do not bring those shoes in and change your clothes as well.

Keep the mask up

Coronavirus is becoming less and less deadly with every day passing and we can not wait to roam around without a mask. No matter how tired you are of wearing a mask, you have to continue even when the whole coronavirus thing becomes the seasonal flu. Mask will prevent allergens from getting into the airways, preventing allergies from disrupting your day to day activities. 

Stay hydrated and start eating healthy

If you do not want your allergic reactions to be bad, you have to adopt healthier habits. Drinking more water and juices would help in thinning the mucus in your nasal passage. Whereas, people who have a habit of eating healthy get less affected by the allergens.

If steam is not helping with breathing, go to the doctor as soon as possible

Most people with allergies suffer from difficulty breathing, taking steam relieves the person to a great extent. However, if steam is not helping and you are having more and more difficulty breathing go get yourself checked asap. 


Avoid touching your face when you are exposed to allergens

It’s impossible to shut yourself in a room to prevent allergies from bringing your productivity down. Sometimes, you can not keep yourself from being exposed to allergens. Whenever you have to face the allergens, avoid touching your face at all costs.

Avoiding allergens is the only ultimate treatment, says the doctors

The medicines that allergy doctors prescribe can ease allergy symptoms. However, these medications can not treat allergies at all. Allergies can only be treated by avoiding allergens to an impossible extent. If allergens can not be avoided, vaccination is a temporary solution. The vaccination relieves you from allergic reactions for a good one year.


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