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The Evolution Of Marketing: How Digital Is Changing The Game



Studies show that your online business is going to be a key aspect of your digital marketing approach. eCommerce sales are predicted to account for nearly 22% of total worldwide retail sales by 2023, according to Statista. In order to alleviate your ecommerce sales, it is important to invest in accurate digital marketing.

The emergence of the internet and the widespread use of digital as a technology and a media format has had some profound and unanticipated consequences in 21st-century existence. While everyone expected digital technology to help things go faster, just a few individuals predicted the societal impact that digital media and online networking would have.

Going digital has had tremendous ramifications in terms of marketing. Digital media qualities such as more precise measurements paired with interaction have now provided entirely new marketing options. 

Digital marketing specialists like Fallon Industries have been assisting businesses with the transition from traditional marketing to digital marketing. There’s no denying that digital technology can be an effective marketing tool. But what about the process of digital transformation? What is this doing to alter the marketing landscape?

A Digital Transformation

The funnel, a classic concept that marketers use to map out the activities potential buyers take on a multi-stage journey that eventually leads to committing to an actual purchase, is one of the first locations where digital transformation effects marketing. In a pre-digital marketing environment, a business could simply create marketing materials and hope for the best in practically every state. An intervention was only conceivable if a knowledgeable salesperson was there to personally engage a potential customer.


While the term “digital transformation” may appear to be a hazy concept, the end outcomes are very straightforward. We’ve been witnessing them for years, and now we’re witnessing an acceleration of previous changes. When professionals talk about digital transformation, they’re referring to how digital technology is comprehended, then implemented and incorporated into our regular job duties, whether on a daily, individual employee level or in the context of complete business operations.

On a larger scale, companies like Amazon and Uber have already demonstrated what the digital transformation can accomplish. These companies have taken classic business concepts, such as retail sales and transportation, and utilized cutting-edge digital technologies to leapfrog the competition. In general, however, digital transformation is viewed as a whole in terms of its impact on business. For those with vision, it can bring about some interesting and profitable improvements in the field of marketing.

What Has Changed

The ability to customise content to specific clients is one of the most effective ways that the digital transformation has changed the way digital marketing works. It’s now possible to follow individual consumer activities and behavior using a combination of metrics and interactivity, and then use that information to offer a targeted marketing response.

The tip of the iceberg is keeping track of a customer’s purchase and then proposing similar products—or, in certain cases,’refills’ for consumable things. With social media platform analytics like Facebook, it’s now possible to follow individual customers’ interests, make recommendations, and even send targeted emails based on their behavior before they convert. When consumer interest is tracked on social media, marketing experts no longer have to guess where consumer interest may lie.

An Increase In Productivity

When it comes to influencing a purchase choice, timing is crucial. A consumer may be ‘on the fence’ about making a purchase, even going so far as to complete the preparatory steps to do so, only to abandon the shopping cart phase before making a final decision.


Consumer behavior can be tracked using automation and analytics, and it can be addressed without the need for a human to supervise the action and be lucky enough to catch and react to it in time. When particular facts or activities are recognized, software can move swiftly to send emails or customised messages, eliminating the need to notify a human agent to act on a time-sensitive issue. Chatbots are increasingly taking on the job of basic customer care help for simple tasks, which improves marketing response and productivity.

Final Thought

Digital transformation has the ability to impact a wide range of operational and marketing operations in businesses. Understanding what’s involved, learning from digital pioneers across industries, and ensuring your firm has the technology, processes, and talent in-house to advance and thrive are the most important things you can do.

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