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Solutions Available for Non-profit Web Portals



The only thing we trust more than our surgeon is ‘Google’. Why? Because it has almost every answer to our questions and more than a thousand answers to our one question. It helps us to find everything except our misplaced contact glasses. So, the point is, that being available on social searches is important in order to get noticed by the world.

The main motto for nonprofits is to spread awareness for a cause. And for this, getting your organization socially connectable is the best option. But, maintaining the digital sites is a task, especially when you have a huge amount of audience and fundraisers to connect. So, here is a solution- Use Web Portals.

Web portals provide you with:

  • Transparency
  • Smooth feature access
  • Recognition
  • Audience

Here, are 5 solutions available for Non-profit web portals:

1. Data Management

During Covid-19 Pandemic, most people are working from home, so to manage all the data according to timelines and teams, document management systems can help. You can get all the reports, updates, tasks and all the other documents in order.


For a nonprofit, you can even make a funding calendar to store any sensitive information. It even keeps a record of your finances including expenses. So that, you can have a record of your funding and finances in one calendar itself.

For portal visitors, you can show detailed information about your organization, display case studies, photos, research results, activities, etc. Give them the reasons and elaborate missions to join or give funding for your organization. Try to keep complete transparency. This will gain the trust of your audience and will help them to know your organization precisely resulting in more recognition.

2. Sponsors and Collaborations

Being a nonprofit organization, sponsors and collaborators are a vital part of building your organization. And in order to attract them, you need a team and a Microsoft 365 nonprofit portal. It helps you to manage your team’s internal workflow and to access their daily activities too. You can add collaboration tools and connect to different team members from one portal.

When there is an urgent requirement of any photo or documents to pitch a potential sponsor, team members can use the portal saved documents. This allows them to easily access the granted information stored in the portal. You just need to login the portal for accessing the stored data anywhere, anytime.


3. Social Engagements

Social media is on the top list to opt for gaining support. You can use social media to showcase your work, events, activities, etc. by posting pictures, videos, polls and sharing URLs. Adding contact details will help to gain the audience’s trust and better engagements. In order to engage with your audience you can give witty replies to their comments or questions. This helps in knowing the audience’s point-of-view. You can even go live and interact with your audience. Use the latest features of social media to get easily visible.

Use social sites to generate petitions and e-forms for communicating and connecting with your audience. Being socially available also helps people to find you and connect to your organization easily.

4. Data Analysis

Analyzing your non-profit progress is a must to know if your organization is doing the right thing. For that you need to generate data analysis. Portal solutions for nonprofit doesn’t only showcase your cause to the world, but can also help you to backup all your data too.


You can view your website analytics to optimize your sites according to the viewer’s needs. This analytics allows you to:

  • Track usage of your website
  • Measure web traffic
  • See viewer’s analytics
  • See feed’s analytics

5. Online Infrastructure

This is the most prominent area to focus on for attracting traffic. Your digital storefront is where all the actions take place, right? So to manage that, you can opt for a web portal. It manages the processes with ease, transparency, accountability and complete safety.

Some of web features are:

  • Productivity or performance tracker
  • Advanced role-based authentication
  • Online transactions and more.

Wrapping Up

Nonprofits need help for raising awareness and presenting their cause to the world, and digital platforms are the best option to choose for these tasks. It connects your audience directly to communicate with you without any processing barriers. Web portals like Microsoft 365 nonprofit portal will suit your nonprofit organization perfectly. From raising funds to increasing awareness everything can be done on a wide platform with web portals.

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