Health & Fitness
Kidney transplant- all you need to know
Kidneys are a crucial organ of your body responsible for filtering out the waste in the form of urine. They are also responsible for managing your body’s fluid and electrolyte balance.
A damaged kidney stops filtering the waste out of your body. As a result, waste builds up, and you may suffer from a severe ailment. Kidney dialysis is used as a temporary backup blood purifying procedure when your kidneys stop functioning normally.
But dialysis can be a long drawn and inconvenient procedure. So the best Kidney transplant hospitals in Mumbai and other major cities advise you to go for a kidney transplant in such cases.
A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure that transfers a healthy kidney from a donor’s body to replace your diseased or damaged kidney.
Who is eligible for a kidney transplant?
Generally, age is no bar for the kidney transplant procedure. All kidney transplant hospitals in Mumbai come across patients from all age groups who have benefited from a kidney transplant. However, the following factors should be carefully considered before opting for a kidney transplant:
- That the person is healthy enough to go through the surgical procedure.
- The person is not suffering from any major underlying condition like cancer, tuberculosis, liver, or cardiovascular disease.
- That the person is prepared to go through lifelong medication treatment and adhere strictly to the limitations placed by the doctors.
Anyone with a healthy pair of kidneys can be a suitable donor. A donor may be either living or deceased.
Living donor:
A body can function normally by using only one healthy kidney. Therefore, the donor goes through a series of tests to assert whether he is suitable and healthy enough to undergo the surgical procedure.
Generally, a family member or a close relative can be an ideal donor because they share genetics and blood type. The chances of the body not rejecting the kidney increase manifold.
Deceased donor:
In the absence of a compatible living donor, the kidney is transplanted from the body of a deceased person. In these cases, the person requesting a kidney donation has to put his name on the list and wait until an ideal kidney match is found. The best kidney transplant hospitals in Mumbai say that it takes approximately 1-3 years to find a suitable match.
Transplant procedure:
- After you decide to opt for a kidney transplant, your doctor will recommend and transfer you to a kidney transplant center. You will be carefully evaluated at the transplant center to check whether you are eligible and healthy enough for a kidney transplant. Kidney transplant hospitals in Mumbai have transplant criteria that need to be fulfilled before proceeding further.
- If you are waiting for a donation from a deceased person, the transplant center will notify you once a suitable match is found.
- In the case of a living donor, you have the option to schedule your transplant well in advance.
- The surgery for a kidney transplant is done under general anesthesia. The anesthesia is injected into the body through an IV on the hand or arm so that you can sleep through the surgery.
- After you lose consciousness, the doctors make an incision in your abdomen and transplant the donor’s kidney. The next step involves reconnecting the arteries and veins to the new kidney. After that, the ureter from the new kidney is attached to your bladder, enabling your normal renal function.
After the procedure:
- Once the transplant procedure is over, your vital signs will be monitored, and you may need to stay in the hospital for a week.
- The transplanted kidney may start to work and clear waste immediately, especially if it came from a living donor, or sometimes it may also take up to a few weeks to start working. Generally, kidneys donated by family members or close relatives work faster than those procured from unrelated or deceased donors.
- You may experience some pain and soreness at the surgery site that may take some time to heal.
- Your doctors will put you on a strict immunosuppressant medicinal schedule to ensure that your body doesn’t reject the new kidney.
- Kidney transplant hospitals in Mumbai advise you to follow the medicine and aftercare procedure diligently so that your body recovers and functions normally after the donation.
- Your doctor will advise you on the lifestyle changes needed after a kidney transplant surgery. You will also be put up on a checkup schedule that must be followed dutifully. The whole recovery process takes up to 6 months, after which you may return to a healthy and everyday life.
Living with a transplant:
The doctors will suggest significant lifestyle changes to adjust with the newly transplanted kidney. The following points should be kept in mind while recovering from a kidney transplant surgery:
- Avoid smoking
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Eat a well-balanced, healthy diet
The immunosuppressants injected into your body to ensure that you accept the new kidney directly affect your immune system. As such, after a kidney transplant, you may be more prone to infections. Kidney transplant hospitals in Mumbai suggest you avoid crowds or anyone suffering from an infection.
With medical advancements in modern medicines, a kidney transplant has become a standard procedure. However, by taking proper aftercare and living a healthy and balanced life, you can live a normal life after having a kidney transplant.
Also Read more about Renal Diet Chart and get aware of it.
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