In a surprising turn of events, the city of El Paso, Texas, has released three individuals linked to the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua, despite public...
Elon Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur known for his ventures like Tesla and SpaceX, has recently come under scrutiny for his past immigration status. Despite being a...
A 32-year-old man, Callum Ulysses Parslow, has been found guilty of attempted murder after stabbing an Eritrean asylum seeker at a hotel in Worcestershire. The attack,...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced a significant shift in Canada’s immigration policy, reducing the number of permanent residents the country will accept next year. This...
As the November 5 election approaches, Republican poll watchers in key battleground states are raising alarms among U.S. election experts. Their aggressive training sessions and focus...
Boeing factory workers have decisively voted against the company’s latest labor contract offer, opting to continue their strike that has now extended beyond six weeks. This...
An alarming report from Microsoft reveals that a network of Chinese-controlled social media bots is actively attempting to sway voters in key down-ballot races across Alabama,...
A tragic shooting incident in Fall City, Washington, has left five people dead, including three teenagers. A 15-year-old boy is now in custody following the event,...
As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the campaign trail has become a battleground for former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. Both candidates are...
Donald Trump’s campaign has raised serious allegations against the UK’s Labour Party, accusing it of foreign interference in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. The controversy stems...