In Pennsylvania, immigration has emerged as a pivotal issue in the upcoming elections, particularly in Allentown, the state’s third-largest city. Despite being over 1,500 miles from...
In recent months, Miami has witnessed rising tensions among its Venezuelan community, as long-settled Venezuelans express frustration towards the influx of new migrants. This situation has...
The UK’s asylum seeker crisis has led to a significant financial windfall for Graham King, dubbed the ‘Migrant Hotel King’. His company, Clearsprings Ready Homes, is...
In recent months, the influx of Venezuelan migrants into Miami has sparked a wave of concern among the long-settled Venezuelan community. Many are voicing their apprehensions...
The political landscape surrounding immigration has become increasingly contentious for the Democratic Party, especially as Election Day approaches. Recent events have highlighted the challenges the party...
A recent surge in migrant crossings has been observed near El Paso, Texas, as drone footage reveals a long queue of individuals waiting to enter the...
In a time when food prices remain a pressing concern for many Americans, former President Donald Trump’s immigration policy is under scrutiny for its potential impact...
Amanj Hasan Zada, a 33-year-old Iranian man, is currently on trial for allegedly running a lucrative people smuggling operation into the UK. Evidence presented in court...
A recent incident involving an Afghan migrant, Mada Pasa, has sparked significant controversy in the UK. Pasa, who has gained notoriety on social media for his...
A retired couple from Droylsden, Greater Manchester, have been left devastated after receiving a £6,000 fine from the UK Border Agency for unknowingly transporting a stowaway...