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3 Reasons Why Spring In California Is Best For Camping




Are you thinking about embarking on a much-needed camping trip? If your destination is somewhere in the state of California, you’ll need to think about the season. While California is a great place to visit all year long, there is extreme weather to think about. Here are three reasons why spring is the best time to go camping.

1. It’s Not Too Hot or Too Cold

One of the best reasons to go camping in california in the spring is because the weather will be at its most moderate. If you’re in the north of the state, it won’t be too cold. If you are in the south, it won’t be too hot. Spring is the best and most moderate season to pursue outdoor activities in this state.

For example, if you are camping up in the north of the state, you may be in an area such as the Redwood National Forest or Yosemite. If this is the case, you don’t want to be up in the cold, snowy hills in the winter season. Your best bet will be to enjoy a long, relaxing camping vacation in the moderate spring.

On the other hand, if you desire to camp down in the south of the state, you’ll have the additional problem to worry about. Camping in a place like Joshua Tree or Death Valley during the height of the summer season is a hard sell for many people. You’d be much better off by making your visit to this place during the much cooler spring.

2. You’ll Have Your Pick of Locations

Another essential factor to consider is that plenty of people will be out on the road during the summer. This is the peak period for tourism in most countries, not to mention the rest of the world. Rates for campsites and nearby hotels will be at a premium. There isn’t much chance of not spending a great deal of money.


On the other hand, if you play your cards right, you can end up saving yourself a great deal of time, money, and energy. Your best bet will be to arrange for a spring vacation in California. This is the best time of year to get out of doors if you want to avoid the crazy summertime rush.

Springtime is cooler, it’s less crowded, and it’s a great deal less expensive. It’s the perfect time of year to enjoy a wide range of sights and sensations that exist at no other time of the year. You can visit Death Valley without burning your feet off or the top of the hill at Yosemite without needing to wear extra layers of clothing.

3. There are a Lot Fewer Bugs to Deal With

One of the biggest reasons to pay a visit to the state of California during the spring season has to do with bugs. In this case, the fact that there a great many fewer bugs to deal with during the spring season should be a significant plus. Summer is the peak era for bugs all through the United States. California has more than its share of them.

However, spring is when insects, spiders, and various other types of creepy crawlies are at their least prevalent. This means that you can plan your visit to any location in the state, secure in the knowledge that you won’t be meeting many of them. For people who suffer from severe allergies or phobias, this will be a significant plus.

Bug life will be at its lowest ebb in places like Joshua Tree National Park in the south of the state. However, a trip to Yosemite in the north will be fine as well.


The Time to Plan Your Trip is Now

There is no time like the present to get started on planning the camping trip of a lifetime. The state of California is full of first-class places to get out of doors in. It’s up to you to choose the venue that is best for your personal needs. And when the spring season comes, this will be the right time for you to get out in the open.

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